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Fullsix Carbon Advert Video

CDT Group is known worldwide for its quality parts which are made from only the best materials and technology. We use only five star materials, shaping them into real pieces of art with our precisely engineered autoclave technology.

Our products stand out in terms of quality, as every step of the production process can be traced and monitored using barcode technology. This enables the company to have complete control over the production of its products, so that each and every product which carries the FullSix logo has consistency and quality that can be fully trusted.

All steps of the production process are manufactured to perfection: from the cutting of fabric to the final paint job.

Our collaboration with world renowned research institutes, such as the Jožef Stefan Institute, has placed us amongst the most innovative enterprises in the field of composite manufacturing. With scientific precision we carefully determine the properties of the materials which will enhance the visual appearance and performance of your motorcycle.

This enables us to guarantee flawless production processes and the top quality attributes expected of FullSix products.

ACM Technology

CDT Group is the inventor of Autoclave Composite Monocoque (ACM) technology and is the only company in the world that is able to produce a high decorative finish complex-shaped closed-body monocoque out of a single carbon fibre-based unit (e.g. a one-piece fuel tank for motorcycles). This technology is directly applicable for fabrication of various one-step closed-body monocoques, where no cutting, trimming and bonding is required. In contrast to conventional bonding, ACM technology provides monocoques with supreme mechanical strength, chemical resistance and a flawless finish.

Monocoque fuel tank

Despite claims that it was impossible, we have successfully utilised our innovative ACM technology in manufacturing a flawless hollow carbon fibre part. We have developed a tank that solves the problems that plagued carbon tanks in the past – meaning they were only bought by the bravest of motorcyclists. Rest-assured, today you can forget the difficulties associated with the tanks made of two parts. You no longer need to be concerned about leaking seams which made carbon fiber fuel tanks the most dangerous part of a motorcycle.

Our groundbreaking ACM technology represents a novelty in technology and production – a special innovative technological process developed by CDT Group for manufacturing hollow pieces without joints and adhesives.

Research & Development

The CDT Group’s R&D team is constantly monitoring and improving the technological procedures used for the production of high-tech carbon-fiber composite products. Our R&D is orientated towards functionalization of high-quality carbon-fiber composite parts and launching of novel products exhibiting state-of-the-art properties. Current major R&D projects are focused in the following strategic areas:

– The development of Autoclave Composite Monocoque (ACM) technology.
Our ACM technology represents a breakthrough in technology and production – a special innovative technological process developed by CDT Group for manufacturing every hollow piece without joints and adhesives.

– Utilising nanotechnology to produce superior parts.
Through the use of nanotechnology, CDT Group is able to produce carbon fibre parts that have enhanced properties that offer superior value compared to competing products (e.g. scratch resistant clear coating).

– Development of photovoltaic carbon-fibre composite components for lightweight solar-powered electric motorcycles.
The major advantages of electric motorcycles in contrast to vehicles with conventional combustion engines are extremely low noise pollution and zero-carbon emissions. Electric motorcycles have linear torque curves which are a major advantage in relation to conventional engines. Acceleration is vibration free, resulting in better track traction and lean orientation. When a motorcycle is designed as a self-sustaining energy system (e.g. solar-powered), the weight of these electrically driven vehicles need to be minimized. Here, carbon-fiber composite components are preferred due to their high strength-to-weight ratio. Our goal is to develop a platform composed of flexible photovoltaic cells integrated with carbon-fiber composite modules with high-aesthetic standards which are able to convert light into electricity. This technology can be adapted to become applicable in various low-weight mobile applications where light-electricity conversion is utilised.

Fullsix Carbon Advert Video